Lugari MCA Grey Moi sees off first cohort of students his new education program
Lugari Ward MCA Grey Moi waving goodbye to the first batch of students headed to the Navakholo TTI to begin their college education [Credits: Grey Moi team]

Lugari MCA Grey Moi sees off first cohort of students his new education program

Lugari Ward MCA Grey Moi on Monday dispatched the first batch of students of what he calls a free-college-for-all program.

Hundreds of students, who have been in constant communication with the MCA’s team, met him today at Lugari Centre before they boarded the school bus that provided them with a complimentary journey to commence their tertiary studies at the Navakholo Technical Training Institute.

The next cohort of beneficiaries is slated for departure to the Sang’alo Institute of Science and Technology and Sigalagala National Polytechnic on Tuesday. The send-off will take place at Lugari Centre and Marakusi PAG church, where additional students will register for subsequent enrollment in the program.

The initiative, dubbed Abana Basome, seeks to absorb a substantial number of students from Lugari Ward into higher learning institutions. These students will pursue technical, vocational education, and training (TVET) courses offered at Sang’alo, Sigalagala, Navakholo, and Musakasa technical institutions.

According to the MCA’s team, enrollment in the program requires students to register with a nominal fee of Sh1,500. Upon registration, they receive admission numbers and can choose certificate or diploma courses based on their qualifications in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

“I admire Tom Mboya’s dedication to the people and education. Drawing inspiration from his airlifting of students for education abroad, I aspire to uplift children from less privileged families in Lugari, facilitating their access to quality education from selected institutions at no cost,” Moi told WKT.

The program operates in collaboration with Dr. Joseph Kilwake, who told WKT that he is an environmental science expert with extensive teaching experience.

“Access to technical courses that train on hands-on skills is very important. This program has been running since 2019, and I intend to have helped as many as 40,000 students by 2025,” he said.

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