Drama was witnessed on Sunday morning at Bungoma’s busy Kanduyi town after police officers from the nearby patrol base intercepted a motorbike rider transporting 100 litres of molasses.
A witness said the police officers engaged the man in a chase before catching up with him near Red Cross along the Kanduyi-Kibabii highway.
The officers are said to have tripped him on his bike, causing him to go down and spilling some of his merchandise on the road.
The man, who was visibly annoyed, was forced to offload the cargo from the bike, which consisted of 10 20-litre jerrycans full of molasses.
The man was forced to collect the spilt molasses from the road before the jerrycans were taken to the patrol base on a tuk-tuk under the watch of at least three police officers and town residents.
He also followed to record a statement.
Police are keen on curbing the increasing cases of illicit brewing in the area.
Sam Oduor is the editor-in-chief at the Western Kenya Times who leverages the power of the Internet in telling stories that shape opinions.