Lugari DCC warns parents against spending school fees on circumcision ceremonies
A circumcizor slaughtering a chicken as a ritual before the exercise in Lugari/Sam Oduor, WKT, File

Lugari DCC warns parents against spending school fees on circumcision ceremonies

The DCC said parents are spending extravagantly on circumcision parties.

Lugari Deputy County Commissioner Moses Gicharu has warned parents against spending money meant for school fees on circumcision ceremonies.

The DCC has expressed concern on the rising criminal cases as a result of children dropping out of school due to lack of fees, and feared that that would escalate next year due to the increasing circumcision parties.

Lugari is among places in Western Kenya that are marking the circumcision season. The ceremonies are usually accompanied with a feast where food, alcohol and merry are served.

“We have no future if we spend our entire resources on traditional circumcision ceremonies and fail to pay school fees next year.

“I won’t fear to inform you that increased criminal activities in our community have been aggravated by our children who drop out of school,” Mr. Gicharu said during Jamhuri celebrations at St. Francis Secondary School Sports Ground, Majengo.

He went on to ask churches in the region to spearhead the fight against illicit brew, asking them to sensitize their followers on the bad effects of alcohol.

“I am impressed that there are so many churches here in Lugari who should help us bring down consumption of illicit brew,” the DCC said.

He added that disco matanga’s remained banned as well as loud music in funerals.

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