St. Boniface Mbagara Mixed Day Secondary School in Mbagara Sub-location of Mautuma Ward has only produced one candidate with a university entry grade in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) since it started in 2012.
In the recently announced KCSE 2022, the school did not have a candidate qualifying for university.
Out of the 31 who sat the exam, the top two candidates scored a C (plain) as three got a C- (minus). Four candidates scored a D+ (plus) as 16 got a D- (minus), and one an E.
The school produced a mean of 2.933 (D).
St. Boniface Mbagara has only produced a university material in KCSE 2018 when its top candidate scored a C+ (plus.
Jacob Wasike, who teaches Kiswahili in the school, said the school admits students with poor results as low as 100 marks in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).
“It’s now high time all stakeholders to come up with a mechanism that will improve the performance of the school. Even the society itself does not support the school,” the teacher said.

Tom Lutali is a seasoned scribe based in Lugari Sub-County in Kakamega County who writes human interest stories and sports for WKT.