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Lugari: Student commits suicide after slap from brother

The student had failed to finish an assigned task.

A student in Marachi Village of Marakusi Sub-location, Lugari Sub-county, committed suicide after receiving a hot slap from his brother.

The 17-year-old, named John Wekesa, a Form Two at Savala Secondary School, is said to have taken his life after his grandfather instructed his brother to punish him for failing to finish a task.

“When the grandfather returned and found the work incomplete as he had instructed him, he engaged the deceased’s elder brother, who is a Form Four student in the same school, to question his younger brother on why he had ignored the order he gave him,” Evans Adavaji, Lugari Location chief, said.

The elder brother slapped him after sensing defiance in Wekesa, something that displeased the young lad.

“The two brothers sleep in different houses. The deceased went to his elder brother’s house at night requesting to have some talk with him, but the brother put him off and told him they would talk in the morning,” the chief further revealed.

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The family woke up to an unusual day of Wekesa not turning up for breakfast. His grandmother, worried about her grandson, went to check and found his door bolted from the inside.

She peeped through the window and saw his body in an upright posture. She immediately raised alarm and upon breaking the door, they found his body hanging from the roof.

The body was taken to Kimbilio Mortuary in Uasin Gishu County.

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