[Video] How ‘witchcraft’ cornered 3 thieves in Kakamega
A screengrab of the dramatic event [WKT]

[Video] How ‘witchcraft’ cornered 3 thieves in Kakamega

The incident happened this morning.

It was an unusual business day in Kakamega town after residents were treated to a rare drama of three men suspected to have been involved in stealing livestock.

The three were seen at Murram area at around 10.00 am this morning, attacked by a swarm of bees on their hands and in possession of a cow. One of them was carrying a goat on his shoulders and bleating like one.

The three—Hilary Momanyi, 22, John Bukhazio, 28, and Winston Mutiele, 20—all from Mumias East Sub-County, are said to have stolen a calf and a goat belonging to one Imbiakha Tolibert, 42, from Emusanda Village in Butsotso Central Location of the area.

“It was reported that his female calf, brown in color, and a goat had been stolen on 25/5/2022 and a report was made at Shibuli Police Post,” a statement from Kakamega Police Station, recorded under O/B number 22/27/5/2022, read.

The offended man is said to have later sought the services of a traditional medicine man to assist in tracing his lost property. Some rituals were performed in the cowshed and the goat pen.

Police say the stolen calf and goat were identified by the owner.

The suspects have been arrested and are in custody awaiting arraignment in court.


Marvel at the Western Kenya Times

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