Breathtaking photos of the almost done Kiwanja Ndege footbridge in Lugari
The Kiwanja Ndege Footbridge project in Lugari [Photo-Edwin Wamondo]

Breathtaking photos of the almost done Kiwanja Ndege footbridge in Lugari

These well-captured photos will make you appreciate the piece of art…

The long overdue Kiwanja Ndege Footbrigde in Lugari Sub-county, Kakamega County, is almost complete.

This is evident from pictures we managed to source that show the structure in its final stages of construction.

The Kiwanja Ndege Footbridge project in Lugari is almost complete [Photo-Edwin Wamondo]

The footbridge, which is the project of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is expected to help residents from Lugari and Chekalini wards cross the Kipkaren River, which has claimed a number of lives through drowning, with ease.

The Kiwanja Ndege Footbridge project in Lugari is almost complete [Photo-Edwin Wamondo]

The project, which was commissioned by the area MP Ayub Savula, is estimated to cost about KShs 10 million.

The Kiwanja Ndege Footbridge project in Lugari is almost complete [Photo-Edwin Wamondo]

Earlier on, residents complained that the metal being used is too weak to sustain the bridge’s weight.

The Kiwanja Ndege Footbridge project in Lugari is almost complete [Photo-Edwin Wamondo]

Plans to put up the footbridge began way earlier in 2018 after a student drowned while crossing a dilapidated footbridge (which was later demolished by angry residents) to church.

The Kiwanja Ndege Footbridge project in Lugari is almost complete [Photo-Edwin Wamondo]
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